Havanese Puppies Join Forever Families with Puppy #6 Waiting…
Our Havanese puppies are enjoying wonderful homes. With just one left waiting to be picked up, we thought we’d share the latest. These puppies are so enjoyable and their families are already updating us on the transition!
On July 7th, #4 puppy named Natty Boh headed for his new home with his adopted parents in Phoenix, MD. Natty Boh is the first Havanese for his parents who raised Springer Spaniels before giving this little guy an opportunity to impress them. It may be a big change, but this little guy has already won their hearts!
On Wednesday, July 9th, Havanese puppy #5 joined a family with mother and five males – with “Charlie” making six! They reside in Laurel, MD. What a great family! We have a feeling that little Charlie will get plenty of lovin’ and lots of exercise!
We received this awesome update about Charlie the next day!
Havanese puppy Charlie settles in with his new Forever Family.

Is this family enjoying their new addition! You betcha! Here’s a short video!
We love our new Forever Families and know that they love our puppies. It’s a WIN-WIN!